- Haven’t been motivated to write this past week so this is easy to do a Whatever Wednesday post since I can just bullet point stuff.
- I’m still wrestling through the emotional stuff from the shooting.
- I don’t think about it immediately when I wake up now but I have started dreaming about it…although that has morphed into some weird things.
- The other night it was of Lisa getting shot. That’s even worse than me so I don’t like those thoughts at all.
- I have an appointment with a counselor tomorrow so hopefully he will be able to help keep me on the right track.
- Ok enough of that…what else is going on?
- Was disappointed with the Super Bowl…not necessarily the outcome but just the game itself…really thought it would be a close, exciting game.
- The commercials were a bit lame as well this year.
- I’m taking my own advice from this past Sunday’s message and I’ve done a good job this week not complaining about the snow, ice, cold, shoveling, etc.
- It’s been nice this past week with all the bad weather having Lisa home more.
- After not using it hardly at all our first few winters here in Harrisburg, we are firing up the gas fireplace quite a bit this winter.
- Not so much for the heat but just because it’s relaxing.
- It was a bad night for my sports teams last night…both the Caps and Terps suffered disappointing losses.
- Oh well, at least the Wizards are above .500 for the first time in 4 years!
- I’m excited about our new series that starts this week at Exponential. It’s called “Crazy Love” and is based off the book of the same name by Francis Chan.
- The entire premise I’m going off of for this series is, “You won’t do what God wants you to do until you fully appreciate who He is!”
- Now you can do stuff for God but if you’re doing it because you HAVE to instead of you WANT to, all of the sudden your faith will seem like a burden and will be no fun.
- This is why many Christians struggle with their faith and have no joy.
- This is also why a lot of people reject Christianity…they think it’s just a bunch of rules and rituals…but who wants that? No one…so they end up missing out on the most life-changing and awe inspiring relationship a person could ever want.
- So for 6 weeks I want to help people fall in love with who God IS not what He can do for you or wants from you.
- OK guess that’s all for now…I have a busy day tomorrow but if I have time I think my Theological Thursday post will be my thoughts from last night’s Evolution vs. Creationism debate.
What’s the Coldest You’ve Ever Been?
This is the first “Topical Tuesday” post and what topic is being discussed more than this week’s cold weather? Today’s high here in Harrisburg is supposed to be 12 degrees which is actually quite balmy as compared to what others are dealing with. I saw an article which mentioned a town in Minnesota where the wind chill is -65. So all this got me to thinking…when was I the coldest in my life? The answer was quite easy to come up with.
In my Sophomore year of college my friends and I were going to go somewhere south and warm for Spring Break but instead ended up renting a few cabins in the mountains of MD. Our first day, we were having a great time, hiking around various trails, even though it was quite cold. The plan the next day was a 4 mile hike through pretty rugged terrain to the Sideling Hill Road Cut and then hitch a ride back to our camp site.
Much to our surprise we woke up the next morning to 6 inches of snow already on the ground and it still snowing hard. Being 8, “were indestructible” men, we decided to do the hike anyway. About a mile in 2 of the guys turned around and went back. The rest of us proceeded up and down the smaller mountains and hills. On the west side of the mountains the snow was knee deep from a snow fall the previous week that hadn’t melted. We kept climbing peaks thinking we’d be able to see how far we were to the cut, but at some points it was near white out conditions.
This is when it started to get a bit scary. We were far enough along that it was too late to turn back, but yet we had no idea how much longer it was until the cut. We had anticipated a 1/2 day trip but not it was starting to get dark…we were getting hungry again and oh my goodness were we freezing cold. Thankfully we finally found a road and a carpet installation company van, saw us trudging along and asked if we were lost. “NO, just hiking…but we sure could use a ride”.
Back at the cabins, it was not until the next day that I felt like I wasn’t cold anymore. Looking back, there were so many stupid mistakes made by doing this, but it will always be a memory I have. So what about you…what’s the coldest you’ve ever been?