- Seriously you shouldn’t be allowed to have this much fun!
- Another awesome day ExponentialChurch.tv.
- We may have talked about how to overcome financial debt today but to me the most important part of the morning is that 2 more people had their sin debt forgiven!
- So awesome to hear as well how many people are loving this series.
- In case you missed it, here the link to the message today where I encouraged everyone to “Act Your Wage“.
- Sometimes I wonder if getting up early on Sunday mornings and helping to put out signs is worth it or not. But today I was reminded that it is.
- I had a gentleman introduce himself to be after this mornings Experience that is a Brigadier General. He was on his way to get some coffee this morning, saw our signs and decided to come check us out. The cool part is he wants our staff to come check out what they do sometime and while we’re there take us up for a helicopter ride…sweet!
- Again our set-up today went smoothly and quickly…I hear other portable churches complain about how bad it is but either we have a much better team than most or more efficient systems…oh wait I think we actually have both!
- With that said there isn’t a lot of behind the scenes stuff to share today since nothing really jumps out as out of the ordinary.
- The band as always did a great job.
- I was able to sneak out for a bit to see our nursery, Pre-K and ECTV Kids ministries in action.
- So glad we brought Chelsea in from Ohio to lead our kids.
- Found out yesterday that one of the kids that’s been attending made a profession of faith this week and his dad is giving a ton of credit to the awesome children’s ministries that we have.
- I had a ton of material to cover this morning but felt everyone was engaged and having some real “ah-ha” moments.
- Now just praying that we’d all not just be hearers of the Word but doers as well.
- Seriously I believe everyone can be 100% debt free within 10 years with a bit of discipline and hard work.
- Again this isn’t about just having more money for the sake of having more. This is a heart issue…how you handle your money says a lot about your relationship with God…”Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.
- Can’t wait for next week when we learn why God says so many people’s money is cursed.
- If you want to reverse the curse…be there!
- If you want your family and friends to reverse the curse in their lives…invite them!
- Have a great week…live with control!