Note: This post is part of the James challenge where I encouraged everyone to read through the book of James (chapter per day) and to summarize each chapter in their own words and then give themselves a personal application step for the day. To follow is what I put. Please feel free to comment with your own summary and application point as well.
7-10-09 James Chapter 5
1. James begins by reminding us not to hoard earthly wealth or resources. He continues then by telling us to persevere, be patient and not grumble in the face of persecution. He concludes by reminding us that prayer should be our first option, not our last resort.
2. Today is my day off which also means it’s the day I sit down to pay the bills. As I’m going through our finances today I’m going to do a check-up on our financial situation. Are we being good stewards of all that God has entrusted us with? Have we found the right balance between saving for the future and being gernerous to others today? I’ll reconfirm to God that it’s all His anyway and that I’m open to what He wants.