Towards the end of 1999, I felt God leading me to read the Bible from cover to cover in only 1 month’s time. Now up to that point I had usually read it at least cover to cover each year and sometimes twice, but this was going to be a huge undertaking. In January of 2000 that’s exactly what I did…one of the highlights for me was being able to so quickly read the words of Jesus and see how they all fit together. In other words I could see how things in John chapter 1 and John chapter 21 fit together because I read the entire Gospel in 1 day.
I bring all this up because up until now that was the only time I’ve ever had an experience like that and obviously it’s not easy to pull off on a consistent basis. But last month I was asked by WaterBrook Publishers (a division of Random House) to review another book for them. The book they sent, The Greatest Words Ever Spoken will allow both you and me to experience something similar to what I did back in 2000.
In essence what author Steven Scott has done is take every word that Jesus speaks in the Bible and categorized them by topic. Want to read in one sitting every word Jesus ever spoke about heaven…turn to page 143 and start reading. How about how to handle anger…there’s every word on page 474. Now yes you could do this same thing with a good concordance and the willingness to look up every scripture, but what I’ve found in using this book for a week now is that not having to stop to look stuff up really benefits you in keeping the flow of what Jesus said going.
In total the book is broken up into 9 sections, with over 200 topics covering over 1900 statements that Jesus made. In addition Steven Scott has written introductory comments to each of the 9 sections that helps you prepare your mind for the topics that are about to be covered.
With Christmas coming, this would make an excellent gift for you to ask for or give. Highly recommended!
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