I’ve mentioned this a few times when preaching, but some of you recently approached me surprised to find out that I used to be a professional magician. From 1989-1999, I travelled throughout the country performing mostly for corporate clients.
I love illusions, but one of the downsides is that I’m no longer fooled or in awe when I see someone perform. That sense of wonder and amazement is just not there…I miss that.
In the same way, we must be careful as Christians not to lose the wonder and awe of what God is currently doing in our midst. Do you realize that just our United Worship Experience is now 3 times bigger than the average church? Our entire church is about 9 times bigger than the average church? Do you realize that the 21 professions of faith in the last 3 weeks is more than what most churches see in an entire decade? Do you realize that we have more people serve in ministries on Sunday morning than the average church even has in attendance? Do you realize that we have more children on Sunday mornings than the average church even has adults?
What I’m trying to say is that God is using you and me to do incredible things on His behalf. Let’s not lose the sense of awe and wonder of getting to participate in that. Let’s not get complacent and say “Well we’ve done enough.” So let’s continue to invite people like we never have before…let’s continue investing our time and our resources in even greater ways and most of all let us continue to worship our God who amazes us in the most incredible ways.
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