As promised from the last post, here’s the question from yesterday’s Connection Card. Why don’t we celebrate communion more often?
That’s a great question and the answer is two-fold. First, we try to take it about every 6-8 weeks or so. Depending on when holidays or other special events fall, it can sometimes be more or less often than that. Jesus doesn’t give us a prescribed frequency, so it’s really a matter of personal preference. I choose every 6 or so weeks because it’s not too often that it loses it’s significance but it’s also not so far apart that it gets neglected altogether.
Second, remember that United is designed for people who are far from God, communion is not. It is for believers only. Now obviously a lot of believers enjoy United and are growing in their faith…so the fine line I have to walk is how can we occasionally fit this “very Christian activity” into an Experience for people for whom communion isn’t for.
I think for the most part we do a pretty good job of incorporating it in, making it meaningful for the Christians while at the same time explaining to the non-Christians what’s going on and helping them not to feel uncomfortable. However with that said in the future I’d like to every 2-3 months have a special Saturday evening Experience that is designed just for believers. In it we could do some slower more intimate worship songs for a longer period of time than we normally have on a Sunday morning and we could also incorporate communion in so that it takes away the “dilemma” we face on Sunday mornings.
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