I was just at a conference where I saw a few guys excitedly showing and telling others about their IPAD’s. No doubt their excitement will lead to others going out and buying one. The same phenomenon happened when the Wii first came out or when people found out that Sonic was going to open a store in our area…when you’re excited about something you tell other people about it. In fact, you don’t even think about it…it’s just so exciting that it comes out of you…you can’t help it…YOU’RE EXCITED!
So as I was driving home from Harrisburg today I got to thinking…”Why is it that so few people ever share with others about their relationship with Jesus?” My conclusion…they’re not all that excited about Him. Listen, if you go see a movie and it’s awesome, you’re going to tell others about it. Some people will go see it, others won’t. Do you care? No. You just shared your excitement and wanted to offer to them the same joy you received from it. Well guess what…that makes you a movie evangelist. In fact, I’ll go as far to say that we are all evangelists about something…tv shows, bands, ice cream flavors, brand of jeans, the list goes on and on. Again what you’re excited about, you tell others about…that’s evangelism. So why do so many Christians say, “Oh I could never share my faith, I don’t have a gift of evangelism”? My conclusion is that they’re more excited about all kinds of other stuff more so than what Jesus has done for them. So my question is…”What are you excited about”?
thebrianmiller says
Amen G! We all need to get seriously excited about Him!