- Just got the web-site for ExponentialChurch.tv officially launched.
- This is the launch team site. We’ll do another site this summer that will be more geared towards those we’re trying to reach.
- Everything is happening really fast now.
- Yesterday I had the final meeting that was needed to officially become a church.
- Once that was done I signed my contracts and got all the appropriate government numbers, etc.
- Had a great practice last night for this weekend’s Experience’s.
- Can’t wait to see what God might do this weekend.
- Yesterday and today are a sport’s lovers dream and I have seen all of a couple of minutes of games.
- From what I’ve heard, I think my brackets are busted.
- MD plays tonight so I’ll definitely set some time aside for that.
- This is my day off after all.. :)
- Just was reminded of how much I love Lisa. After typing the above she came into my office, “Are you still working on your day off”?
- Great to have accountability.
- So with that…I’m out!
Random Thoughts
Been awhile since I a random thoughts post. Here we go…
- Excited about the 60+ resumes that have come in to take over for me at United.
- Couple of potentially good candidates in that stack. Pray for the search team to find the right person.
- Balancing my full-time responsibilities I still have at CFCOG along with starting a new church is interesting.
- I have a follow-up meeting this Friday with a man that owns one of the buildings we’re looking at. Please pray about that.
- We have two really good but vastly different options when it comes to where we’re going to meet.
- Speaking of buildings, if you know anyone who’s looking to buy a house, steer them our way. Here’s the listing for our house.
- Excited about the new series we’re starting this weekend called, Littlefaither: The Worry Wart Series.
- Don’t forget we ARE NOT changing our clocks this weekend until after the Sunday morning Experiences.
- Love that we do this…why lose an hour’s sleep when you don’t have to!
- It’s amazing the speed I can rip through a whole box of Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies.
- What’s even more amazing is how quickly I can go through two boxes! :)
- Really enjoying the warmer weather!
- I know NASCAR said they we’re going to let the boys be boys this year but the whole Carl Edwards thing was a bit ridiculous.
- When someone dies in the future they are going to have a lawsuit on their hands for being accomplices in a homicide.
- The lawyer will argue that because they didn’t do anything about it now, others felt it was ok and the result was death.
- Speaking of sports, my Caps are kicking some serious butt. Hope they don’t use up all there good game play in the regular season then falter in the play-offs.
- Ok, one last sports thing…sorry ladies once my mind goes there it’s hard to stop…This week and the next two are arguably the best all year round. Can’t wait for March Madness to start…especially since my Terps are playing so well!
- Now back to our regularly scheduled blog, already in progress…
- The Toyota with the stuck gas pedal thing had to have been quite frightening…did you see the guys face after he got out and was being interviewed.
- I think he was in a need of a change of underwear!
- Can’t believe there are only 9 more episodes of LOST.
- Please writers don’t let us down…we’ve stuck with you this long…give us a good conclusion or I’ll send the smoke monster to your house.
- Glad Idol isn’t 5 hours a week anymore. Even with the ability to speed things up on the DVR, that is still crazy.
- I really liked Andrew, but he’s been a disappointment recently. Now I’m thinking a girl might win it…Crystal?
- Guess that’s enough for now…have a great day!
Random Tuesday Thoughts
- Finally got confirmation that the number baptized two Sunday’s ago was 42!
- This past weekend was hectic but great.
- Friday night I was at church for the rehearsal of the wedding I was doing on Saturday.
- At one point one of the organ petals got stuck.
- Remember in “Dumb and Dumber” when they did the most annoying noise in the world…ummm yeah, I’m just saying.
- Had to call Earl so he could line up a repairman while I continued with practice.
- After practice I put the final touches on getting ready for the class I taught on Saturday morning.
- Had 45 people show up for the “Get Connected with God” class.
- I tried to cram it all into 2 hours, but ended up going 2 1/2.
- As I’ve been getting e-mails in response, the #1 complaint has been that the class wasn’t long enough.
- I said it before and I’ll say it again…this class is awesome!
- Here are some excerpts of just a few of the e-mails I’ve gotten…
- “I would recommended that EVERYONE take this class if you ever offer it again”.
- “I wish I would have had this class much earlier in my Christian life…I hate to admit it, but I still feel like a baby in the Word- but now that I have the tools, that is going to change”.
- “This class has given me a game plan”.
- “This class…will take us (husband and I) into a higher level of knowing our God and understanding our purpose”.
- “I guarantee you that everyone who took the Get Connected To God class today came out with a better understanding of what it takes to develop the habits we need to grow to spiritual maturity and how to bring that about”.
- The wedding went very well then in the afternoon.
- Congratulations to Ronnie and Kristy Yarnell!
- At the reception, we sat with the organist who was asking questions about United.
- Our table was about in tears with laughter watching this guys expressions as we kept sharing and you could just see the shock on his face.
- He kept asking, “Wait a second, you did that in church”?
- He said he wants to come visit…he’ll be easy to recognize…he’ll be the one with his mouth gaping open the whole time. :)
- Sunday I’ve already blogged about, but I’ve heard some really good stuff in the meantime about how people felt convicted and challenged by the Experience.
- The new web-site is also getting a lot of good feedback and a lot of traffic.
- One person I forgot to mention in my excitement of announcing it last Friday was Ashleigh Schwindt. Many of the pictures on the site she shot and I’m glad we have someone with her skills in the church.
- Ashleigh has her own photography business and I’m in love with one of her models!
- We are hosting Micah Brickner this week at the church to help him in his internship with our region of the denomination. Micah wants to plant a church in the next few years so he’s spending the week with us learning the good, the bad and the ugly (insert whatever staff person’s face you want with each:)).
- Please pray for Micah and my good friend, Chuck Frank as the region attempts to plant as many churches as possible in the next 5-10 years.
- If you’re interested in something like this, go here.
Random Thoughts on a Thursday
- Had breakfast/lunch with my first pastor from after I became a Christian, today.
- Great to catch up and hear what God is doing in his midst and ministry.
- I’m feeling much better today!
- Had some bad news today that hit me pretty hard…still processing.
- On the other hand, there is some exciting things that happened today which I’ll share in a post right after this one.
- I got a treadmill delivered this week and so far have been faithful to be on it every day.
- Figured I’m not getting any younger and should get some exercise from time to time other than the Wii. :)
- Really excited about the REWIND series coming up in August…don’t forget to be in your seats on time for the wild stuff we have planned!
- I’m working on a huge project right now for the entire church that is going to be so awesome when it’s done, but right now is kicking my butt and everyone who helps…quite overwhelming, so we could use your prayers.
- Ok…can’t wait to tell you the exciting news…so time to hit publish and get to that.
Random Wednesday Thoughts
- Been awhile since I did a random thoughts.
- Went to Rod Hockenberry’s funeral today. A few thoughts:
- Last year when we did the”Live Like You Were Dying” series, I sat down with Rod and interviewed him to get some perspective on what it’s like to know that you’re dying. I loved his faith! He knew he was going to heaven and was just enjoying every moment he had left. Who knew as we sat there that day that it would be less than a year.
- Vernon Edward who is our Visitation Pastor at the church always seems to have just the right thing to say…love that guy! Today he shared how Rod the other day said he felt trapped in his body and Vernon reminded us that now he is free and then quoted some relevant verses…very touching moment.
- I’m very rarely able to see the parking lot full…usually I’m one of the first to arrive and one of the last to leave on Sundays. So seeing it overflowing today was a treat. It’s a real testimony for how much Rod was loved. However, I felt God saying, “Why is the parking lot more full for a guy who died than it is each week for a guy who came back to life?” Wow!
- I’ve got some sort of seasonal allergy thing going…not any fun…very draining.
- I’m pumped about this weekend!
- First I’ll be teaching the “Get Connected to God” class on Saturday where I’ll teach on the importance of prayer and how to study the Bible for yourself so the words leap off the page. Not to late to join us…9-11am this Saturday.
- Next, I’m doing a wedding for a great couple.
- Then Sunday, I get to preach a vision message. I love when I get to remind people why we do what we do…usually there is at least one memorable line that comes out of my mouth that either gets me in trouble or is worthy of being on a t-shirt. Who knows what this week’s will be…but I look forward to finding out.
- I’ll also be making a big announcement about a couple of things I’m excited about.
- The Experience will be followed by a video shoot for the “Rewind” series and then we have a staff picnic.
- Wow this is already long so I’ll stop for now and will do another tomorrow to catch you up.