Random Thoughts About Life, Ministry and Whatever Else Happens to be on my Mind
I said last week in this blog that I felt the message on alcohol would quickly surpass the total number of downloads we had gotten of the previous week’s message on whether Christians can enjoy movies and music that are not “Christian” in nature.
By Wednesday that had happened. What I didn’t expect was that last night the message would become the number 2 most downloaded message ever, surpassing the message on sex that I had done in May of 2008. Now only the controversial 2009 vision message is keeping it from the top spot.
All that to say I am really enjoying this series and apparently so are you. This week we’ll look at how to deal with temptation (plus take more live text message questions) and then the following week I’ll do an abbreviated message on the last question you asked for…How Do I Handle Doubts About My Faith…then I’ll take the remainder of that day to take as many text message questions as we can squeeze in.
Don’t forget to invite someone to join you. Once again here is the link to our 2009 Promo Video if you’d like to use it help explain what United is all about.