Jesus said, “I can guarantee this truth: Anyone who gave up his home, brothers, sisters, mother, father, children, or fields because of me and the Good News
will certainly receive a hundred times as much here in this life.” Mark 10:29-30
The picture you see is of my very good friends Andy and Gayle Krull just moments after walking into their new home in Harrisburg, PA this afternoon for the very first time. Why do they have a new home? Why are they living in a strange city? Because they believe so much in following Jesus wherever He may call and they believe so much in the vision God has given me to start that they were willing to leave their old world behind. House, family, friends, jobs, kids schools, a great church and more…all because to them being a part of a major movement of God is more important than personal comfort. All because Jesus command to Go is more important to them than any personal sacrifice.
Thanks Andy and Gayle for your sacrifice, you are an inspiration to many for your faithfulness to the cause of Christ!