Random Friday Thoughts
- For a supposed day off…I’m certainly doing a lot of work. :(
- No one’s fault but my own though.
- Technology is both a blessing and a curse.
- Been having a chance recently to catch-up with some old friends…nice to re-make some connections and be reminded of great memories.
- I’m getting excited about this weekend…the topic is one you don’t hear a lot about in churches, but is something Jesus assumed that we’d all do.
- Don’t know that it will be the most downloaded message ever, but my job is to preach the Word…what you do with it from that point is between you and God.
- I’m also getting excited about some of our up-coming series.
- This weekend you will find out about one that’s coming in a few months and I think you’re going to be stoked!
- Have a feeling it will be our most popular series ever…
- Got you wondering now don’t I…you’ll have to show up this weekend to find out what it is.
- CAYA (our young adult ministry) is having dinner tonight at the Mill’s house. Always great to eat some of Kim’s home-cooking and I understand that Cindy Long (of Cindy’s Sweets fame) is providing her apple pie.
- If you want to know what food will taste like in heaven, have any of her desserts…however the apple pie is my favorite…might just have to start with that to make sure I get a piece.
- Finished up my reading through the New Testament in 30 days at the beginning of the week.
- I was officially 2 days behind, but as the old saying goes, “It’s better to get the Bible all the way through you than for you to get all the way through the Bible”.
- Now I still believe that we need to read the bible cover-to-cover (after all it’s hard to say you believe in something if you’ve never read it) but rushing through reading just for the sake of saying you’ve done it is never a good thing.
- I’d rather you read one verse per day and apply it to your life than read a few chapters everyday and forget about it the moment you sit your bible down.
- Speaking of reading, I’m almost done reading Tribes by Seth Godin.
- He talks about how all great movements and organziations start with someone challenging the staus quo and saying hey there has to be a better way to do this than just the way it’s always been done.
- Hmmm…sound like anyone you know?
- Ok, things seem to have settled down a bit…off to enjoy my day off…the big question is what do I do…read, play a game, take a nap, run some errands…