Random Saturday ThoughtsMarch 7, 2009 by Gilbert Leave a CommentLet me start by reminding you…DO NOT SET YOUR CLOCKS FORWARD!We will all do this together after church on Sunday morning.Enjoy the extra hour of sleep that you would have lost otherwise.It was an interesting week…lots going on.Thursday we had CPR training as a staff as well as learning how to use the AED device to shock people’s hearts back into rhythm.Man…hope I never have to do either of those things.Great to have the team from Haiti back home…sounds like they had a great time and got much accomplished.RIP…Circuit City.I can’t wait for the “You Asked For It” series to start on the 15th.We’ve got some surprises in store for you that should be a lot of fun!I’m so glad that the judges did not bring back Tatiana on American Idol…that girl was big time annoying.I’m loving my new phone…it’s helping me to be more productive with time since I can check e-mails and stuff basically anywhere.Mmm…also means my workaholic, Type A personality can work even more hours…maybe this isn’t such a good thing.I’ll finish reading “A Whack on the Side of the Head” today…loved it!Enjoy your nice spring like day…see you tomorrow…again at normal time.
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