- Another great day!
- Weird not starting the day by meeting Mike to put out signs.
- He missed his first day today which now only leave Chad from the original group that has not yet missed a day.
- Thanks to John and Sara Fox for taking care of the signs today.
- Not sure how we did it but everything got set-up about 1 1/2 feet off center on the stage today.
- Weird since we used the same marks as usual as a guide…looked funny.
- During our team meeting Lisa and I were surprised with a cake for our birthdays & anniversary.
- Great to have the Bricker’s and Deihl’s pay a visit today from Chambersburg.
- Loved the new song the band did today called Manifesto.
- Poor Bill…the bridge part is essentially the Lord’s Prayer except you’ve got to sing it all in 1 breath…he’s been struggling with it but during warm-ups this morning he was nailing it.
- Mmm not so much during the Experience but he pulled it together and it still was a powerful moment.
- Great to also bring back the song Beautiful Things which was a major part of our Easter Experience.
- I wrapped up the iLife series today by talking about how to get moral margin in your life regardless of whether you’re a teen, single or married.
- I had no idea the impact the message was going to have.
- Person after person came up afterward saying it was one of the best messages they had heard.
- That’s a very humbling thing to hear but I’m glad it immediately resonated with people…now I hope they apply it.
- This will be hard to describe but I hear all the time, “Gilbert I love how real you are”.
- Honestly I can’t imagine preaching any other way.
- We also had 2 more people make a decision to become a follower of Jesus today!
- That’s now 93 since we launched 7 months ago!
- Can’t wait for the Thrive series to start next week…it’s going to be awesome and everyone attending will be given a special gift that will help you apply what Chad’s going to be talking about.
- Big thanks to my niece, Taylor Duda and to Kiara Pornel for all their help serving each Sunday. These two young ladies will be going off for the summer and today was their last day for awhile. Thanks again ladies…serve Jesus as you travel!
- Folks God is doing some amazing stuff in and through us…keep it up and I promise you one thing…The Best is Yet to Come!
Inside Today’s Experience
- Pretty good day.
- Started out in the dark with all the wind and cold getting our big signs out. We have 3 of them that are called Wind Master signs.
- Ummm…today they were mastered…2 of the 3 actually sheared off it was so windy.
- Set up went pretty smoothly and we had another batch of new people serving so that’s always exciting.
- Last week my preaching bible never made it home so I spent quite a bit of time looking for it. Finally found it in the lost and found at the theater.
- Was glad to find it but it made me again realize how fortunate we are as Americans. Many people around the world would do anything for a Bible. Here, not only do I have a bible, but actually multiple ones, one of which only gets used for sermon delivery.
- Maybe we’ll do a bible collection this year as a part of our You Matter Ministry this year.
- Really proud of our entire team…from set-up to actual execution of everything that needs to be done on a Sunday, things are going great.
- That includes the band who had another great day.
- It’s weird…even though I’m not a parent, I looked forward to today’s message about raising up the next generation more so than I have any in a long time.
- I’m praying that people, especially parents, will take seriously the new goal I gave them for raising up a generation of world-changers.
- Perhaps I was also excited because I knew my little buddy, Chase Bricker was going to being helping me in the sermon.
- If you want to hear the story of how at age 3 (he’s now 6) he became a Mighty Man of God, fast forward to about the 14 minute mark in the message.
- His parent’s Galen and Jill said that he’s been so excited since he found out a couple of weeks ago that he was going to get to help with the message.
- They said this morning he was up earlier than normal and even was volunteering to have his hair done, teeth brushed, etc because he couldn’t wait to make the drive up.
- He also told his mom that she wasn’t allowed to have her morning cup of coffee because he didn’t want to be late and on the hour long drive up from Chambersburg, he kept telling his dad to pass cars so they could make sure they got there.
- The entire Bricker family were short-term missionaries with us for the first 3 months to help get us launched and Chase multiple times said that he wanted to be our drummer. I knew that would be the perfect way to end his time on stage with me…and again who knows what that may spark in him.
- Big thanks to Steve Kurtz (our drummer) for spending some time answering Chase’s questions this morning and for also giving him his very own set of drum sticks.
- Chase was told that they best way to practice was on a pillow which I’m sure Galen and Jill will appreciate.
- Chase wanted his own drum set though and thought his sister’s room would be the perfect place to set it up.
- Anyway I was pleased with the message even if I did run longer than normal.
- I hope everyone saw that investing in the lives of kids doesn’t take a seminary education or great bible knowledge.
- It’s just taking the time to speak words of encouragement and being there for them.
- So please consider doing a first serve in the ECTV Kids Ministry. Again as I said…”It’s not a baby-sitting job, but rather a chance to invest in the next generation”.
- If you’re interested in trying it for one week, email our Director of Children’s Ministry, Chelsea Miller chelsea@ExponentialChurch.tv
- Also as I mentioned one of the best ways to make sure your kids have some other people speaking into their lives is by joining a Life Group. For more info on that email our Pastor of Community and Connection, Chad Chute chad@ExponentialChurch.tv
- If you’re interested in the Parent’s Dinner we’re having, click here for more info and to register online. This is an event you’re not going to want to miss.
- The New Year is off to a great start…so many things are going on that excite me about our future.
- Check back here and on our Facebook page for other info about events you’ll want to be a part of.
Inside Today’s Experiences
- Fun day!
- We used a live Twitter feed throughout on the middle screen and it was interesting.
- Thanks to all for you awesome comments and for keeping it all clean. :)
- As for me, I felt like a zombie all day…not sure why…had a great night’s sleep…but I couldn’t talk or think right to save my life.
- It got so bad that backstage I tried to tweet about it but sent it to the Mother’s Day tribute instead of the generic one. So when the Mother’s Day part came up in the 2nd Experience, there was one there from me that said, “I feel like a zombie today”.
- Bet a lot of people were wondering exactly what that had to do with Mother’s Day.
- Funniest moment of the day was during the child dedication when the little girl would not let me hug her or her doll…DENIED!
- I was really looking forward to today’s message...wish I could have delivered it better.
- Talked about an important subject that you don’t often hear about…followership.
- If you’re listening and want to see the video we showed at the beginning about the rise of social media, click here.
- We had another potential candidate in this weekend to interview as my potential replacement. Please pray for everyone involved that God’s will be done.
- Very thankful to the leadership of our church for supporting me and ExponentialChurch.tv.
- As Galen announced today, there will be two special Experiences on my final day (May 30th) with a meal then following. Would love to have you attend.
- As well they announced that an offering will be taken to help us get started. You can make a check out to either Chambersburg First Church of God or ExponentialChurch.tv , place it in the special Exponential envelopes then turn it in anytime over the next 3 weeks.
- If you’re interested in giving by credit card instead, click the link and follow the simple instructions.
- As I told the potential candidate this morning…”The best is yet to come for United and CFCOG”…so excited for you guys as well for us as we walk into the next part of this awesome journey He has us on called life.
Questions Answered Part 2
Today I’m continuing to answer questions after my big announcement this past Sunday. Today we’ll look at two questions. One has to do with my plant and the other the future of United.
3. Can I just come up to Harrisburg each week to your new church? The simplest answer is, “Well it’s a free country we can’t stop you from doing that but…” and here’s where I want to give you some things to consider. First, traveling that distance each week will quickly get old. Second, you know that I’m big on you inviting people to come with you each week. Do you really think your unsaved neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives are really going to want to drive an hour each week to get to church? No, so that’s why you being plugged into a local church is so important. Also, it’s hard to serve at a church when you live so far away. So for everybody’s sake it’s better if you remain at United/CFCOG and help the next guy take things to the next level.
Now with that being said, there will be opportunities for you to come up and serve in some short-term missions types of projects. Some of these will be during the week, others will be on the weekend. I guess what I’m saying is I’d love to see you help once, at the most twice, per year if you feel led to, but again for everyone’s sake….especially yours, it’s best for you to stay plugged in to the exciting things that are happening right here in Chambersburg.
Now I know for some of you this was not the answer you wanted to hear. So here is your option. Pray about actually moving to Harrisburg with us. Earl, the Elders and myself all feel that if someone is serious enough to make the move then none of us should stop it because it will need to be a God thing working in your life. What I mean by that is unless you really are a glutton for punishment then no one in their right mind would want to move, find new jobs, choose new schools, make new friends, etc, unless God was calling them to be a part of supporting me and the vision that God has given me to fulfill. If your seriously interested, I’d love to talk (gilbert@exponentialchurch.tv), but please make sure you’re motivation is to follow God not just follow Gilbert.
4. Who will be taking your place at United? Again the honest answer is I don’t know. Today an ad will be placed with the largest church staffing organization in the USA. Also, I and others have plenty of friends nationally that are a part of relevant ministries and so we are contacting them so they can think through their network of contacts for a possible right fit. Also we’ll be getting the word out through our denominational publications. I love what Galen said on Sunday, “Obviously if God is leading Gilbert to Harrisburg, it means He is leading someone else here”. I do truly believe that and what you can be doing is praying for the hiring team to make the right choice. That team is made up of people from all demographics of the church but primarily people who call United home. They will do their best to find someone to take United to levels I never even dreamed of. Also be praying for whoever that is that their heart would be open to God’s leading as they read an ad or hear about the opportunity.
Ideally within the next few weeks the team will have enough resumes that they can begin narrowing the stack down and actually begin the interviews. Again ideally we’d like to see someone in place during May so that there can be a brief overlap between their starting and my leaving. However, I know the hiring team and Council will not rush the process and just bring someone in for the sake of having someone on staff. Earl and the Elders are committed to having United be carried on as well if not even better than it currently is so if that takes longer, then it takes longer. In the short-term they may cause some temporary discomfort but in the long-term it will be very beneficial. If you have any questions about any of this, I know Earl would love to hear from you. earl@mycfcog.org